
BLINDED- Episode 1

“What do you remember?” Her voice was soft, too soft; as if she was scared to startle me. I liked her immediately. Her eyes were focused on me, but I couldn’t detect any trace of contempt. There was no judgment here, only interest.    * * * My earliest memories are of a child chasing purple butterflies in the garden that led to the steps of daddy’s office; a child playing hide and seek with Shalom in our walk-in wardrobe. I remember aunty Charity, our laundry lady; she would allow Shalom and I to wash our clothes with light fabrics while she continued washing. We would sit in the garage that housed no cars. It was on a day like this that the eclipse happened; we sat in our underwear on a bench in front of the garage after the darkness had cleared and Peter had come back from school. He showed us the glasses they had been instructed to put on so as to look at the dark moon, and we admired it with envy and pride evident in our wide smiles that showed incomplete milk to


DEFINITION Dependent Personality Disorder is characterized by the prevalent fear that leads to the person developing a clinging behavior. CHARACTERISTICS * Difficulty in making everyday decisions without constant advice and reassurance * Constant feeling of loneliness and helplessness when left alone * Dependence on others in making decisions * Obsessed with getting people's approval * Avoids Confrontations so as to retain people's support * Very sensitive to criticisms WHO ARE THOSE WITH THE CONDITION? 0.5 to 0.6 of the population is diagnosed with the condition CAUSES * History of neglect * Overprotective or authoritarian parents * Abusive upbringing * Family history of anxiety disorders * Long-term, abusive relationship EFFECTS OF UNTREATED DPD * Anxiety disorders, such as: panic disorder, avoidant personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) * Phobia * Depression * Substance abuse I hope I have been of h


DEFINITION Aphantasia can be defined as a condition where one does not possess a functioning mind's eye and cannot voluntarily visualize mental images. WHO DESCRIBED IT? The phenomenon was first described by the psychologist Francis Galton in 1880 WHO ARE THOSE AFFECTED? Neurologists believe that approximately one in 50 people or  2-5% of the population  have aphantasia POP ULAR PEOPLE WITH APHANTASIA * Penn Jillette (of Penn and Teller fame) * Blake Ross (Software Engineer) Want to know more about Aphantasia? Join the community of people who have A phantasia @

Who am I?

I have so much to say but I don’t seem to find the right words I have a lot to tell but I’m too scared to not sound deep I have a lot I want to change but I don’t know which reality to choose; They say a lot of things about me and I don’t even know who I really am I am the writer who cannot write her own story The voice that has no one to hear her cries A motivator without a motivation A light that is encased in darkness I am the brain built by years of pretentious practice A feminist who fulfils men’s desire just to exist The prey that gives her predator peace The giver of love with no love to receive I am the daughter who dares to disobey the pressures of parenting ills Just to live a life of everyday hustling. A sister that spreads her wings of love even when it’s being clipped; The fly you can’t shake off I am the broken pitcher trying to retain my content By patching the pieces of my soul’s pot, But I have bled and I remain nothing


There are two voices in my head. They converse frequently and fall in uninvited. I can hear them both, relegating my voice to the deep and taking over my mind. When I close my eye, all I see is darkness. Every day, this body loses life and colour and there's nothing to do. I wonder when these days will end, if they'll ever end. I get my ass to work, to therapy. I encourage myself, but it never seems to be enough. When I try to search my soul, I find it void . My soul wanders when salvation will come. If at all, my pleas, heaven had heard; My tears, enough evidence of a lesson well learnt; My quivering lips, a confirmation of my quest for redemption; My shaky self, a sign of surrender; And my bended knees, a consideration for our agreement.
The smoke hovered above our heads, foggy like the cloud we existed  in; we were burning in our hell, so our soul can bear the heat in hell He banged his fists loudly on the armrest, and stroked my body a little harder; the ball had bounced back from the post, the boy in blue wasn't winning For a second she took over my sanity: "I was the lucky charm he had cast his lot on, I, who can't charm charm my way, nor seduce a stroke of luck" His voice sung me out of my slumber, It was only a soccer moment; my fears fled behind a smiley face, and my heart, once more hummed merry hymns   
you might think you made a new world or a new self, but your old self is always gonna be there, just below the surface. and if something happens, it will stick its head out and say hi. (Haruki Murakimi)